Copywriting Course teaches you to sell online.
It's a place to learn copy skills, improve your messaging, and get live feedback.

Copywriting Course teaches you to sell online.
It's a place to learn copy skills, improve your messaging, and get live feedback. 

Copywriting Course teaches you to sell online.
It's a place to learn copy skills, improve your messaging, and get live feedback.

Subscribe for Full Access

Come for content, stay for community.

Don’t just passively learn. Actively get help from professional copywriters.

Almost every training you see is just videos you watch on your own time. We’ve got plenty of those, but we also have an active community of copywriting professionals inside the members area.

Inside Copywriting Course you can actually write out a test email, and get critiques and help from professional copywriters and business people!

Get critiques on all your cold emails

Cold Email is one of the staples of the business world, but also one of the most dreaded. Our cold email training is based off years of experiences and hundreds of thousands of cold emails.

Not only that, but before you send your own email, you can get help with it from inside our private community. You can even get live help on the Office Hours.  

Monthly Goal Tracking to document your progress

One of the things that got really popular inside the community is being able to post your goals to all the other members!

This is great for setting your monthly goals at the beginning of the month, and then updating them as the month goes alone.

We're here to help you accomplish all those goals!

Get Certified

We have a Copywriting Course certification that actually means something. People use it as a reference on LinkedIn to show they have copywriting skills. We then display your proof of certification on a special page.  

Being Copywriting Course Certified doesn’t just mean you’ve answered random questions on a quiz. It means you’ve participated in the community, got help with your own projects, have significantly improved your writing and sales ability, and have rubbed elbows with other copywriting pros.  

An active members area for professional copywriting help (see live feed below):

Want help with an email, or a landing page, or a piece of content? Then just post it in our Member's Area and get professional copywriters and the community helping to make it better. Here's a live feed of activity from the Member's Area:

Recent Member Wins:

We're in the community training people and reviewing copy everyday:

What's inside Copywriting Course?

All of these courses, designed to help optimize every part of your marketing, are included with a Copywriting Course:

Here's Real Examples Of Copywriting Grabbing More Revenue With Minimal Effort…

Here is an email from an online wine merchant we helped. Their emails before any copywriting training were bringing in ~$500/email, which meant they were losing money in their business!

After some copywriting training on how to write a great sales email, they were consistently hitting email revenues of 10x (and sometimes 15x) that amount per email:  

The amount of emails sent out was not changed. The amount of money spent on marketing was not changed. The set of customers was not changed.  

The only thing that was changed was the copy in the emails!

Here's an example of a physical services business, a power washing company, that tried to advertise in their area using only flyers. They tried to make "pretty looking" flyers, sent them out, and the results were disastrous ($0.00 in sales).  

After studying some copywriting techniques, they realized a slightly different angle could drastically improve revenue.  

The amount of emails sent out was not changed. The amount of money spent on marketing was not changed. The set of customers was not changed.  

The only thing that was changed was the copy in the emails!

Copy is also at the heart of all videos. You first need a script. A client running marketing for a large SaaS company needed to make a sales video explaining their product.

Inside our forum and Office Hours we took this script from raw talking points, to full script, and then a full sales presentation converting around 6% on YouTube!

The script we helped write was tailored so that a new visitor knows exactly what the company sells, and how it will help their own company.

This quickly went from raw bullet points, to a slideshow presentation, to a converting video all through the forum, with 10+ people giving feedback!

Kyle Guilfoyle runs several businesses, one of which trains bartenders online.

Inside our community he utilized all the writers to help craft a Facebook Ad that would bring in new students and clients.

The best part about a converting ad is you can pour money into it at a fast pace to scale a business up.

This went from a simple request for copy help on our forum to an ad with a 12x ROI!

Since we are constantly seeing different types of ads (and the results) in our private forum, we have a more tuned sense of what will work.

We can help with any of our copy also!

Anyone going through a website upgrade knows how much work it is, and also how "in the box" you get (meaning you've seen the page so many times you start not being able to spot changes).

So this software company came to us looking for some extra sets of eyes on the page. Our writers gave headline changes, section changes and more.

In a few days we'd hashed out all that was needed for a new page, and got all the updates over to the designers.

Being able to have multiple other people take a "fresh look" at your pages can reveal items you overlooked, and get new ideas that can improve the results.

A full new homepage with higher conversion was the result!

It's our job to test all the tactics (on our own business and client businesses), then teach you exactly what works:

The Copywriting Course teaches the templates, examples, experiments, and methods learned from:

1,250,000,000+ emails sent.

51,000+ product sales.

Working in 45+ different industries.

Millions of dollars in digital sales. 

Dominating search results with great content.

 845+ consult sessions.

Running the top copywriting blog.

1,450+ articles written.

Landed in 3,400,000+ email inboxes.

We've worked with great companies like:

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Copywriting is a valuable career skill

Some people realize they have such a great knack and love for copywriting, they end up improving their career because of it! This bundle comes with an entire mini-course on becoming a copywriter. It includes everything from how (and where) to get started, to building your client list, to increasing your prices and getting highly paid copywriting gigs.

Based on the principles I first acquired from the Copywriting Course...

...I left my Houston based, oil geologist life behind to digital nomad it up in Eastern Europe.

I'm funding myself through a small but growing copywriting career referencing Pub-Nev often.

Thanks for turning me into a paid writer!

Copy-Killing it in Budapest! 😎

- Matt Totten 

Katherine Testimonial

Thank you again for the great courses. 

Today we dropped a fun new white paper to help our clients and prospects prepare for vampire attacks! Here are some of the responses we’ve received so far: 

"Thank you! I am safety manager here and this is a very good source of information. I am passing it out to key people in the organization.” 

"Thank you and I’ve already forwarded it to El Paso. You are a genius. Thank you.” 

- Katherine Chalmers

I LOVED the Copy Course and always recommend it. 

It’s funny—it actually helped start my career. 

I took the course my senior year of high school and used it to get an internship, where I hustled my ass off and got hired. 

Now, a few years later, I’m Marketing Manager for a dope non-profit festival that has 38K attendees. 

Your course is the bomb. 

- Lucas Czarnecki

Copywriting Course: Optimizing Business

The Copywriting Course is designed for businesses to improve their copy and profits.

" Less than two weeks since I started this course, I have:

  • Booked enough clients to have almost covered the cost of Copywriting Course
  • Had calls scheduled with clients on much larger projects than I feel qualified for...but my confidence is now really high - I KNOW I have value and am not afraid to charge for it
  • Had over 90% response rate to my Upwork proposals
  • Had multiple clients reach out to me first on Upwork”

- Alicia Raeburn

"Quick update for you guys. I posted the article today and it quickly became my top performing. I got a lot of positive comments and I had 1,600+ impressions on my linkedin Post. 

This led to 120+ unique visitors to my website and 4 Opt-Ins for my lead magnet (15 traits of highly effective SDRs)

Thanks for all the help!"

- Kyle Vamvouris

“After 2-3 days it's obvious The Copywriting Course is an outstanding resource for anyone in business. The response time is uber fast and the advice is on the money.”

- Steve Scott

Get Face-To-Face training

You get access to live group coaching calls. They happen every week, and we work directly with you on your business.

See what's working now 

We're constantly modifying and testing copy on businesses live on these calls. Often just one call has changed the course of someone's business or sparked whole new ways of approaching a problem.

We work on copy together

Instead of just teaching through videos, we prefer to get our hands dirty with students and re-write copy live...and there's so much more than just copy re-writes! Business advice, pricing, community building, video creating and more.

Some live Office Hours excerpts

Reviewing Nick's FANTASTIC new page based off previous Office Hours feedback for a $10,000 product.

We go through Richard’s custom built book recommendation site, and see how he can get to 50,000 visitors a month, and it looks like an attainable goal!

Reviewing first email in an autoresponder sent to therapists.

We go over a great series of 3 SEO questions for Derek’s bariatric surgery company.


The “office hours” are INCREDIBLY helpful. You get a pro to personally review and improve your copy and business in real time. So nice, I signed up twice.

I signed up for Copywriting Course because of the entertaining, generous and witty writing. I had NO IDEA how valuable and fun it would be until I logged on for a few of the office hours calls. You’ve helped me and my new business in more ways than I can say right now. - Rob Roseman, KickStart Reading

Companies we've worked with

Everyone's welcome! From single person companies, to the Fortune 500.

  • A1 Healthcare Staffing
  • Ahrefs
  • Apotheo
  • AppSumo
  • Austin Towers
  • AwesomeREI
  • Axero Solutions
  • BariLife
  • Best Self Co.
  • Betterway Health
  • Board Studios
  • Bot Academy
  • BullyMax
  • Capital Factory
  • Chamber Of Commerce
  • CoachTube
  • Code My Views
  • Collins School of Training
  • Copley Advertising
  • Corel
  • Current Body
  • Dairy Coach
  • Decked
  • Dental Practice Group
  • Easy Agent Pro
  • Fedora Venture Capital
  • FlackBox
  • Flipora
  • Gartner
  • Get Licensed
  • Go 83 Bar
  • Green Car Reports
  • Heavyweight eCommerce
  • Hippo Contact
  • Hoop
  • Horkey Handbook
  • HotJar
  • IMGH Ministries
  • Indo Calgary Rugs
  • Ink361
  • InventureX
  • IPVM
  • Johnson Group
  • Josh Flagg Real Estate
  • JVM Lending
  • Kissielts
  • LA Print and Design
  • Leave Law Behind
  • Mail Plane
  • Maker Square
  • Mattress Insider
  • Michigan Political Campaign
  • MindLayers
  • Mixergy
  • Mode Transportation
  • Move The Needle
  • MyAchievement
  • MyBodyTutor
  • Nerd Fitness
  • New York Institute Language
  • Next Step Test Prep
  • Nimble Bar
  • NY Book Editors
  • Olive Fantastic
  • Opesta
  • Optimal Thyroid
  • Orange Envelope
  • Pinterest VA
  • Podcast Assist
  • Preppr
  • RadTech Radiology
  • RealSavvy
  • Renegade Fitness
  • Retro Supply
  • Sausage Dog Central
  • School Of Motion
  • Seo101
  • Shape Scale
  • Simplify Chess
  • Soap Hub
  • Social Insight
  • Step Strategic
  • The Female Doc
  • The Hope Factory
  • TheHustle
  • Theme Kraft
  • Tile
  • ToodleDo
  • Turing
  • Underground Cellar
  • Very On Brand
  • Viacom
  • VidCon
  • VideoFruit
  • Vouris Consulting
  • White Cleaning Solutions
  • WhiteRock Locators
  • WinZip
  • Wiser
  • X27
  • Yelp
  • ...and 20,000+ more.

Companies we've worked with

Everyone's welcome! From single person companies, to the Fortune 500.

  • A1 Healthcare Staffing
  • Ahrefs
  • Apotheo
  • AppSumo
  • Austin Towers
  • AwesomeREI
  • Axero Solutions
  • BariLife
  • Best Self Co.
  • Betterway Health
  • Board Studios
  • Bot Academy
  • BullyMax
  • Capital Factory
  • Chamber Of Commerce
  • CoachTube
  • Code My Views
  • Collins School of Training
  • Copley Advertising
  • Corel
  • Current Body
  • Dairy Coach
  • Decked
  • Dental Practice Group
  • Easy Agent Pro
  • Fedora Venture Capital
  • FlackBox
  • Flipora
  • Gartner
  • Get Licensed
  • Go 83 Bar
  • Green Car Reports
  • Heavyweight eCommerce
  • Hippo Contact
  • Hoop
  • Horkey Handbook
  • HotJar
  • IMGH Ministries
  • Indo Calgary Rugs
  • Ink361
  • InventureX
  • IPVM
  • Johnson Group
  • Josh Flagg Real Estate
  • JVM Lending
  • Kissielts
  • LA Print and Design
  • Leave Law Behind
  • Mail Plane
  • Maker Square
  • Mattress Insider
  • Michigan Political Campaign
  • MindLayers
  • Mixergy
  • Mode Transportation
  • Move The Needle
  • MyAchievement
  • MyBodyTutor
  • Nerd Fitness
  • New York Institute Language
  • Next Step Test Prep
  • Nimble Bar
  • NY Book Editors
  • Olive Fantastic
  • Opesta
  • Optimal Thyroid
  • Orange Envelope
  • Pinterest VA
  • Podcast Assist
  • Preppr
  • RadTech Radiology
  • RealSavvy
  • Renegade Fitness
  • Retro Supply
  • Sausage Dog Central
  • School Of Motion
  • Seo101
  • Shape Scale
  • Simplify Chess
  • Soap Hub
  • Social Insight
  • Step Strategic
  • The Female Doc
  • The Hope Factory
  • TheHustle
  • Theme Kraft
  • Tile
  • ToodleDo
  • Turing
  • Underground Cellar
  • Very On Brand
  • Viacom
  • VidCon
  • VideoFruit
  • Vouris Consulting
  • White Cleaning Solutions
  • WhiteRock Locators
  • WinZip
  • Wiser
  • X27
  • Yelp
  • ...and 20,000+ more.

"We were getting zero sales from our email list. It was disheartening. We then bought a Copywriting Course subscription, got live feedback from the team, implemented the techniques, and immediately started to see 15+ sales per email we sent!"
Richard - eCommerce Inc

The Copywriting Course:

Instant Access to Training, Office Hours & Copywriters.

  • The Copywriting Course
  • The Copywriting Checklist
  • Full Recording Archive
  • The Autoresponder Course
  • The Autoresponder Bank
  • Full Website Tuneup Course
  • Become A Copywriter Course
  • First Freelance Gig Course
  • Email Script Bank
  • Email Writing Course
  • Ad Platform Course
  • How To Make Images Course
  • 25 Minute Crash Course
  • Course About Build A Course
  • SEO Content Writing Course
  • SEO Help On Your Articles
  • Get Professional Copywriting Help
  • Get Copywriting Course Certified
  • Unlimited Critiques
  • Get Your Cold Emails Reviewed
  • Monthly Goal Progress Tracking
  • Weekly Office Hours Calls
  • Weekly Co-Working Calls
  • Always Adding Great New Content 

The Copywriting Course:

Instant Access to Training, Office Hours & Copywriters.

  • The Copywriting Course
  • The Copywriting Checklist
  • Full Recording Archive
  • The Autoresponder Course
  • The Autoresponder Bank
  • Full Website Tuneup Course
  • Become A Copywriter Course
  • First Freelance Gig Course
  • Email Script Bank
  • Email Writing Course
  • Ad Platform Course
  • How To Make Images Course
  • 25 Minute Crash Course
  • Course About Build A Course
  • SEO Content Writing Course
  • SEO Help On Your Articles
  • Get Professional Copywriting Help
  • Get Copywriting Course Certified
  • Unlimited Critiques
  • Get Your Cold Emails Reviewed
  • Monthly Goal Progress Tracking
  • Weekly Office Hours Calls
  • Weekly Co-Working Calls
  • Always Adding Great New Content

Satisfaction Is Guaranteed. If you give our programs an honest try, come to our office hours sessions, ask for help from the community, and are still not satisfied with our materials, tell us and we'll take care of you.


Frequently Asked Questions

The Copywriting Course is both a course, a community, and a touch of a "service."


When you join The Copywriting Course you become a member of the awesome community with like-minded people focused on growth. As a member, you will have access to the course content, lessons, video recordings, and also get access to our copywriters in our private forum. You will also be able to join all live co-working sessions and Office Hours to ask questions directly and work on them live.

Getting your copy reviewed is simple. Login to the Copywriting Course Community and go to the "Copy Reviewer Tool", answer the questions on the form, and click submit. Our copywriters will review your copy and reply with feedback. You will get feedback from a variety of writers with different backgrounds, as well as from the community. Getting this feedback from professional writers is like having a whole marketing team working on your copy!
We do private consults with writers starting at $800/hour. Email for more information. However we run live Office Hours every week inside the course where you can submit your questions, and our writers go over your question or copy live, often just re-writing it on the spot. This is basically a full consult right within the course! An incredibly valuable feature!

The Copywriting Course offers a Satisfaction Guaranteed. If you give our programs an honest try, come to our Office Hours sessions, ask for help from the community, and are still not satisfied with our materials, tell us and we'll take care of you.


Just email

The Copywriting Course is taught in English and work is reviewed in English. If you are comfortable reading this sales page you should be fine inside the Copywriting Course. We have many clients where English is not their first language and it works great.
Absolutely, if you are a company that would like to buy 3 or more licenses for your team, please contact with how many licenses you would like and she will send you a quote.
You can cancel in just two clicks. We make it really easy to cancel: Log into your account → Account Tab → Subscriptions → click "Cancel Renewals." Or you can email us at and we'll cancel an account for you. You can always come back and re-activate your subscription.

Yes! People love the community, the training, the Office Hours, the amount of interaction they get, the monthly goal setting, the accountability, the rewrites of their copy, and just watching others improve their copy (and learning from their examples).


Here's how a recent customer described it:


"Your edits and marketing suggestions are so on point! I feel like I have my own personal marketing/copywriting team!" --MW

High praise from high up people

“When Neville first sent an email out to the AppSumo list, we saw a significant increase in click through rate and purchases. I recently did a test that used the standard copy I wrote, and then a version that Neville wrote. We actually saw a 300% increase in the click-through rate. It actually helped the click-through rate AND the signups on AppSumo, from just a copy change. 

Noah Kagan 

AppSumo, Sumo, Gambit, Mint, Facebook

We bought our whole marketing team subscriptions to Copywriting Course so they can get feedback on all our pages. This helps us optimize each page much better.

Tim Soulo


"Neville was my writing inspiration. In fact the first copy training I ever got was the Copywriting Course. We now output 50+ articles a week at TheHustle, get millions of views per month, and to this day use Neville's methods to write all our articles."

Sam Parr

Apartment List, The Hustle, HustleCon

Ready to get started?


When I first discovered what copywriting was, I was immediately obsessed. It made total sense that the way you approach trying to "sell" something has a profound effect on the outcome. 

I originally started applying these copywriting principles to my own business (and saw profit go up quickly), and then started helping other companies do it. I'm not just a copywriter, but a longtime business owner. I'm the founder of HouseOfRave, Copywriting Course, NevBlog, Swipe File and involved with The Hustle, Hustle Con, Sumo, Pink Java, Real Savvy and AppSumo.

By simply changing words around on a page, I was able to help set the tone and increase sales to another level on all types of businesses. My goal is to transmit all that information to you. We'll start with the famous Copywriting Course to teach you the concepts and tactics of a great writer.

Then if you need help, post in our super active community and you'll receive help and advice from professional writers with different backgrounds that can spark amazing new ideas. Or if you choose you can just watch other people go through the process and learn by observing!

See you inside the Members Area! Neville Medhora

Sign Up

We look forward to seeing you inside the Members Area!
If you have any questions please contact us Mon-Fri (9am - 5pm CST): Email Support: or Contact Us here.